

Pole mounted Capacitor banks are installed at the ))B> ! 33B> distribution lines to improve power factor and to maintain voltage profile. This is one of the effective installations for reactive power compensation and it&s available as fixed or switched system. Shreem make 3 5hase 0utomatic 5ower 2actor Controller 7S520*3CT8 continuously monitors voltage and current in all three phases.

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Controller displays all the parameters like phase wise voltage, current, power factor, active power, reactive power, apparent power, voltage and current harmonic order 7FTCG !ampK odd coefficient of harmonic order up to )= th order8. 0verage parameters for voltage, current, active power, reactive power, apparent power and power factor is also displayed.

This is one of the effective installations for reactive power compensation and it&s available as fixed or switched system. “n switched system bank is switched by solenoid type capacitor switch and it&s operated by 5.2. correction relay. capacitor units are mounted on racks which are fixed on double pole / single pole structure

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